"Good Morning!", is a very common greeting. Yet we often let worries, fatigue, troubles, events, and other people affect our outlook on the morning & day. We have not been promised trouble-free, care-free, happy days. However, our outlook can make a big difference in this day. Don’t let people, feelings, things, etc. spoil your morning or day.
There are only two, or three, certainties this morning:
This is a day the Lord has made.
Each of us is a day closer to standing before Him to determine our eternity.
IF you are a child of God, you are unconditionly loved & have His help and support.
Is it a Good Morning?
Copyrighted Material
Good Morning is an original work by ‘Charlie Martin’ and is protected under the copyright laws of the U. S. No commercial use of this work is authorized without the express written permission of the author.
Individuals and organizations are granted permission to reproduce this work for their own, non-commercial, use; and/or to give a copy to a friend.
Any inspiration that you may find in my musings can only be credited to the Holy Spirit. Any failings, which you may find, are due solely to the poor quality tool (namely me) that the Spirit had to work with.
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Good Morning
page updated 03/22/2011.