Election - ekloge
(Part of the Election, Sovereign Grace, Will, Salvation bible study group.)
eklogh -- (Windows "symbol" font.)
ekloge -- (BST Greek font)
Strong's - (divine) selection (abstractly or concretely): - chosen, election.
Thayer's - the act of picking out, choosing; of the act of God’s free will by which before the foundation of the world he decreed his blessings to certain persons: the decree made from choice by which he determined to bless certain persons through Christ by grace alone; a thing or person chosen; of persons: God’s elect
Webster's - In theology, divine choice; predetermination of God, by which persons are distinguished as objects of mercy, become subjects of grace, are sanctified and prepared for heaven.
This is the Greek source word, which Bible translators render as election . Its definition shows what the author of the original Greek manuscript was trying to convey to readers of the manuscript. Also included is the standard English meaning of the word.
on Strong's Concordance, Thayer's Greek Lexicon, and Webster's Dictionary
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Greek word ekloge, or eklogh, - election.
page updated 03/18/2011.