Due to the nature of man, the cost of Salvation was extremely high. In Exodus & Leviticus , God established the Covenant of the sin-offering, a blood sacrifice for atonement. Being the Just & Unchangeable God, this established for all time that
"blood must be shed in atonement for sin".
This is often overlooked, in today's Christianity, & we don't find a lot of
reflecting upon the cost of our salvation. We don't like to be reminded of the awesome price paid for our salvation. Yet, it is something we should reflect upon.
God foreknew the cost that man's creation would entail. God knew before
hand what the Covenant of the blood sacrifice would ultimately require. Yet, He created man and established the Covenant. Which led to the necessity of the
"perfect blood offering".
Jesus Christ, God incarnated as a sinless man, was the "perfect
sacrifice," which was necessitated by the "Covenant of Blood".
Knowing in advance what lay before Him, out of love for the Father and the children of God, He performed the Father's will, was born, suffered, died, and rose from the dead, so that we may be given salvation. His pain and suffering on
that cross can barely be imagined. His sense of desolation, as He took upon Himself all past, present, & future sin and the Father turning away from Him, can not be imagined. It is no wonder that as He hung on that cross, suffering,
being ridiculed, and dying, that He cried out,
"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?"
which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
(For a more in-depth explanation of what Jesus experienced while paying the Cost of Salvation see Jesus Died)
He was the ultimate fulfillment of the "Covenant of Blood" and enabled us to enter into the "Covenant of Grace".
Feeling worthless, abandoned, unloved, angry, depressed, that it just isn't worth it?
Remember the Cost of Salvation
It was Divine Love that paid the price!
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Cost of Salvation
page updated 03/30/2011.