Mother or MOM


There was a time when Mother & Mom
meant the same person. In our ‘modern’ society,
this is not always true.

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  Today, Mom is not always the same person as Mother. What distinguishes the difference between these two titles?
Mother is the person who gives life to a child.
Mom is the person who gives her life to the raising of a child. A person who willingly accepts the burdens, responsibilities, heart breaks, and joys of raising a child.

  In comparison to being a Mom, it takes very little to be a Mother. It takes only nine months to become a mother. On the other hand, to be a Mom takes a life commitment to hard work, worry, and the giving of one’s self for the good of a child. Mom shares a child’s joys, worries, fears, successes, and disappointments. Mom often has to give up parts of her own dreams, needs, and wants, for the welfare of the child she is raising. She does this out of love for the child. Our Lord, Savior, and God, has told us,
"No greater love has a person than to lay down their life for that of another."
What an example of this love we see manifested in our ‘Moms’. Others may call you my Mother, my Granny, my Nan, my Aunt, or my Sister; but I know you are my ‘Mom’. I love you and thank you for all you have done for me.

Happy Mom’s Day,
may the Lord richly bless you !

(Incidentally, the word ‘MOM’ turned upside down spells ‘WOW’ and what better expression is there for your love.)

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