This is the gateway page to the Christian Web Ministry. The site is Christian in nature and is dedicated in thanksgiving to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The site contains: Christian commentary, information on Christianity, various writings, and poems. Also included are: topical Bible studies, links to Christian groups and fellowship, web rings, web art, MIDI files and biblical research utilities. You will find topics such as: the Doctrine of Election; Salvation; the Trinity; the Godhead; the 2nd coming; and, Eternal Security in the ‘topical Bible studies’ section of the site. In the ‘Inspirational and Thought-provoking’ section, you will find writings and poems dealing with lifestyle, daily living, values, morals, ethics, etc. The site strives to spread, or evangelize, the love and 'Good News' of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
You will find something of interest on this site whether, or not, you believe in a Divine Being called God. The enlightenment, wisdom, and guide to ethical living contained in Holy Scripture, God’s Word, the Bible, is applicable to both the ‘born again’ believer and the non-believer.
No matter which of God’s and Jesus’ many names and titles you use: Jehovah, Yahweh, Ya, JHVH, Supreme Being, the Great I AM, Yeshua, Yehowshuwa, Redeemer, Good Shepherd, the Way, the Truth, the Light, the Messiah, etc. you will find facts, evidence, proofs, information, helps, knowledge, and understanding on the site.
To the non-believer in Salvation through God’s Sovereign Grace, I extend an invitation to view the site and to contact me about God’s gift of Salvation through Our Risen Savior Jesus Christ, and for answers to any questions you might have. (You will find message and e-mail links on the Feedback page.) To surf the site click on the Welcome Mat below, you will be taken to the main index page.
My beliefs, and theology, are fundamental in nature. I believe in the Scriptural presentation of the deity of Jesus Christ; salvation through faith in Jesus, the Son of God, given by the Sovereign Grace of Our Heavenly Father; that salvation was purchased by the shedding of Jesus’ blood, by crucifixion on the cross, at Calvary; that He arose from the dead; that man, a sinner, is incapable of seeking and obtaining, salvation without God’s saving grace; that ‘works’ are not a method to salvation, but a result of salvation - as is repentance; that the saved soul will spend eternity in joy, peace, and adoration in the Kingdom of Heaven, while unsaved souls, due to sin, will spend eternity in Hell; that the community of believers in, and followers of, Jesus Christ form the true Church, also known as the Body of Christ; that prayer is a powerful force and it is the duty of Christians to pray; that the Bible in its original form is the written word of God given by inspiration of the Holy Ghost, or Spirit. My guiding philosophy is WWJD, “What would Jesus Do?”
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(This site in the Web Ring is owned by Charlie)
Christian Web Ministry
site updated 03/28/2011.