Doctrine of Election
Sovereign Grace Salvation


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  The Christian Doctrine of Election, also called Sovereign Grace or Will Salvation, like most religious beliefs is founded upon the Bible. There is a lot of controversy concerning the validity of the belief in Election. This bible study will provide the following:
- an explanation of the Doctrine
- biblical evidence supporting the belief
- discuss scripture verses which are often used to question the validity of Sovereign Grace Salvation
- discuss common objections to the Doctrine
- useful links for further study of the subject.

  This site endeavors to present the subject of Election, Sovereign Grace or Will Salvation without Church, or Denominational, dogma. It is designed to present the biblical basis and observations derived from this basis. It will be up to you, as a Christian to determine through bible study and prayer if the belief in the Doctrine of Election, Sovereign Grace Salvation, is valid.

To present an in-depth bible study into the validity of the belief in the Christian Doctrine of Election it is necessary for this study to cover a number of web pages. You can access them from the link below. May the Holy Spirit guide you as you study the validity of Salvation by God's Sovereign Grace and Will.

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Doctrine of Election Introduction
page updated 03/21/2011.